Nike Pearse-Olorunfemi
4 min readNov 27, 2021




How are you doing? It’s almost Christmas! I am excited, and I can feel it in the atmosphere. But honestly, some days, I get that feeling that 2021 is almost over, and we are approaching a new year, “2022”. Then my mind keeps thinking and evaluating things I have achieved and those I haven’t yet done. For some of us, we have a long list of things we plan to accomplish when we start a new year, and towards the end of the year, we get into the worrying, thinking, and stressing mood if we haven’t achieved it. That’s why I decided to write this post addressing the concept of worrying. Have you ever questioned yourself, why do I worry so much? Some of us worry a lot, including me. That’s why I am on a journey of discovery and freedom from things that are not uplifting and empowering my mind and body. We worry about money, career, life, health, family, relationships, success, failure, what-ifs and much more. If we don’t train to control our thoughts process, the human mind can get to the point of spending 99 per cent of the time worrying about so many things that then leads to fear, depression and anxiety. Being worried consistently is not a healthy way to live. Why should you think it’s ok to wake up every morning worrying about the day and the week to come. Yes, you may not be happy about where you are presently, but let’s be honest worrying drains the mind and prevents us from creatively thinking of solutions that can address the issue.

Honestly, we need to get to a point where we intentionally think of ways to solve whatever is causing us to worry. Ok, you may think to yourself that something’s can’t and won’t change, well that may be true, but the fact remains that worrying won’t make the situation better. Instead, it makes the situation worse. What is the benefit of making a problem more prominent than it is original? Why add more worrying thoughts to the one you are currently battling? We need to get to a point where we replace being worried with an atmosphere of happiness and focus our time on what makes us joyful. Of course, the situation that caused you to worry may not be resolved, but by being happy and positive, we begin to feel stronger and can think of ways to address what has led us to be worried. Strangely, being worried about something can be an advantage as it tells you that something is wrong and needs addressing. So, rather than spending valuable time worrying about the situation, let’s use our mind and energy to think of the next move so that in some weeks, months or even years, we won’t have to worry about the same thing. We need to understand and accept that there will always be something to worry about, so we need to learn and master how to control our thought patterns so that we don’t find ourselves living a life of constant worrying.

Practice spending time with your thoughts, reflect, think, and physically write down why you are worried. Also, think and write down what you want to change to stop the situation, which has led you to worry. Then begin to set out action plans to help resolve the problem, and please bear in mind that the change will not happen overnight. It may take some time, but the fact is that the journey to that change has begun, and with anything in life, if you are consistent and don’t give up in the difficult moments, eventually, that change will come. Some of us may have mastered the art of worrying, and it has become a default way of thinking which is not healthy. Let’s choose to think of ways to bring joy to our minds and body. For example, you’re worried you’re not doing enough to succeed, then begin planning out practical things to do that will gradually bring you closer to your desired place. Do I need to speak to a career expert? Always ask yourself questions about what action is required to change the current state. There’s an answer for everything. You need to search consistently and talk to the right people rather than live in fear.

John 16;33 says “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth, you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart because I have overcome the world.”

